Dimitri -- I respect what you're saying however, for me, it's less about the quality of the girls (everyone bangs the occasional ug) than it is about these guys showing these pics off like they're booty captured from war. The fact this clown is PROUD of a girl most of us would pull on an off night is contemptable, not that he fucked her
When you bang UGs, you shouldn't brag about your exceptional PUA skills
That's the point I am trying to bring across.
That Starlight guy gives me the creeps more than Mr. M and thats pretty bad....lol...
He is just the creepiest, needy looking dude....
I agree. Future is ok - he was a marine and not a weirdo. Close to normal. I really do not know why he works for THavoy. I think he and Cajun are the only close to normal Lovesystems instructors.
Now Mr. M, Starlight, Tenmagnet....Houston we have weirdos here...